Asian-style Omelette

In the UK, we waste over 1 million eggs every day.* Many people assume that the best before date printed on the shell is the expiry date – but it’s not. Best before dates simply tell you when produce is at its freshest. Once that date has passed, that doesn’t mean it’s no longer fit for consumption.

The quickest and easiest way to test whether or not an egg is still edible is simply to put it in a bowl of cold water.

  • If the egg sits horizontally at the bottom, it’s very fresh – a good egg.
  • If it stays at the bottom but at an angle, it’s no longer at its freshest but safe to eat – still a good egg.
  • If it floats to the top then you probably shouldn’t eat it because it’s stale – rotten egg!

This brings me to my next super simple recipe. The humble omelette. A perfect pocket for your leftover meat, cooked veg or raw veg that needs using up. I made one for lunch today using the last of some bagged beansprouts, half a courgette that was sitting in the fridge and a carrot that had seen slightly better days. However, you can use whatever veg or meat you have  e.g. ham, leftover chicken, peppers, cabbage, green beans, broccoli etc.

Serves 1


2 medium eggs

Half a spring onion or white/red onion

Salt and pepper

1 clove of garlic

1 carrot, unpeeled but scrubbed clean

Half a courgette

A handful of beansprouts

A drizzle of soy sauce

Some oil

Sriracha chilli sauce to drizzle


  1. Finely chop the onion.
  2. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add the chopped onions, salt and pepper and beat. Put to one side. If you’re using white or red onion, fry them until soft before adding to the eggs.
  3. Peel and finely chop your garlic.
  4. Chop your courgette into thin slices and your carrot into thin strips – about the thickness of a matchstick.
  5. Fry the carrots in some oil till softened then add the garlic and remaining veg. Drizzle on a bit of soy sauce and fry until just cooked but still with a bite. Put to one side.
  6. In another heated frying pan with some oil, pour in the beaten egg mixture and spread around the pan. Cook on a low heat until the omelette is almost cooked through and golden brown on the bottom.
  7. Empty the pan of veg onto half of the omelette then fold the other half over.
  8. Plate up and drizzle with sriracha chilli sauce then enjoy!


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